Searching for Young Parents

Located near Slave Lake

Distance: 10000km
Search Search Results
Mainsprings Pregnancy and Family Support
Telephone: 403-269-3110 (24 Hour Helpline, call or text)
CE Building; 204 1st Avenue NE
Airdrie, AB, T4B 0R4 (136km)
Mainsprings Pregnancy and Family Support
Telephone: 403-269-3110 (24 Hour Helpline, call or text)
Telephone: 403-410-7900 (General)
CE Building; 204 1st Avenue NE
Airdrie, AB, T4B 0R4 (136km)
Alberta Health Services - Calgary Zone
Telephone: 403-762-2990
303 Lynx Street
Banff, AB, T1L 1B3 (141km)
Alberta Health Services - Calgary Zone
Telephone: 403-678-5656
800 Railway Avenue
Canmore, AB, T1W 1P1 (146km)
Alberta Health Services - Calgary Zone
Telephone: 403-283-9117
2431 5 Avenue NW
Calgary, AB, T2N 0T3 (157km)
1725 30 Avenue NE
Calgary, AB, T2E 7P6 (157km)
Highbanks Independent Living for Parenting Youth Society
Telephone: 403-521-0082
317 19 Street NW
Calgary, AB, T2N 2J2 (158km)
Terra Centre for Teen Parents
Telephone: 780-428-3772
10320 146 Street NW
Edmonton, AB, T5N 3A2 (158km)
Terra Centre for Teen Parents
Telephone: 780-428-3772
10320 146 Street NW
Edmonton, AB, T5N 3A2 (158km)
Terra Centre for Teen Parents
Telephone: 780-428-3772
10320 146 Street NW
Edmonton, AB, T5N 3A2 (158km)
Terra Centre for Teen Parents
Telephone: 780-428-3772
10320 146 Street NW
Edmonton, AB, T5N 3A2 (158km)
Alberta Health Services - Calgary Zone
Telephone: 403-943-5716
Peter Lougheed Centre; 3500 26 Avenue NE
Calgary, AB, T1Y 6J4 (158km)
Mainsprings Pregnancy and Family Support
Telephone: 403-269-3110 (Call or Text)
925 7 Avenue SW
Calgary, AB, T2P 1A5 (159km)
Mainsprings Pregnancy and Family Support
Telephone: 403-269-3110 (Call or Text)
925 7 Avenue SW
Calgary, AB, T2P 1A5 (159km)
706 7 Avenue SW
Calgary, AB, T2P 0Z1 (159km)
Calgary Board of Education
Telephone: 403-817-4000 (switchboard)
Telephone: 403-777-8710 (Area 1 Office)
Telephone: 403-777-8720 (Area 2 Office)
Telephone: 403-777-6233 (Area 3 Office)
403-777-8750 (Area 4 Office)
1221 8 Street SW
Calgary, AB, T2R 0L4 (160km)
Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary
Telephone: 403-228-9724
Alberta Health Services - Calgary Zone
Telephone: 403-228-8221 (To register)
Telephone: 403-944-7200 , 811 (immunization appointments only)
Terra Centre for Teen Parents
Telephone: 780-428-3772
13744 115 Avenue NW
Edmonton, AB, T5M 3B3 (160km)
Alberta Health Services - Edmonton Zone
Telephone: 780-484-1124 (Appointments)
Pager: 780-940-1271 (24 hr Medical Assistance)
12409 109A Avenue
Edmonton, AB, T5M 4A7 (160km)
11625 135 Street
Edmonton, AB, T5M 1L1 (161km)
10585 111 Street
Edmonton, AB, T5H 3E8 (161km)
1010 21 Avenue SE
Calgary, AB, T2G 1N2 (161km)
Alberta Health Services - Edmonton Zone
Telephone: 780-735-6892
Telephone: 780-735-4416
10240 Kingsway Avenue NW
Edmonton, AB, T5H 3V9 (162km)
Terra Centre for Teen Parents
Telephone: 780-466-1156 (Services for Educational Achievement)
Telephone: 780-468-3000 (Braemar School Administration)
9359 67A Street NW
Edmonton, AB, T6B 1R7 (162km)
Terra Centre for Teen Parents
Telephone: 780-466-1156 (Services for Educational Achievement)
Telephone: 780-468-3000 (Braemar School Administration)
9359 67A Street NW
Edmonton, AB, T6B 1R7 (162km)
Radius Community Health and Healing
Telephone: 780-249-7002
Alberta Health Services - Edmonton Zone
Telephone: 780-735-0010
Bent Arrow Traditional Healing Society
Telephone: 780-481-3451
11648 85 Street NW
Edmonton, AB, T5B 3E5 (164km)
3802 139 Avenue NW
Edmonton, AB, T5Y 3E7 (170km)
Mainsprings Pregnancy and Family Support
Telephone: 403-269-3110 (24 Hour Helpline, call or text)
Aztec Real Estate Building; 304 3rd Avenue
Strathmore, AB, T1P 1Z1 (182km)
Mainsprings Pregnancy and Family Support
Telephone: 403-269-3110 (24 Hour Helpline, call or text)
Telephone: 403-934-3017 (General)
Aztec Real Estate Building; 304 3rd Avenue
Strathmore, AB, T1P 1Z1 (182km)
4823 50 Street
Cold Lake, AB, T9M 1P1 (386km)
YMCA of Medicine Hat
Telephone: 403-527-9466 (Karli Britton, Life Skills Coach)
Telephone: 403-526-7877 Ext. 5 (Stacey Gilchrist, Teacher)
1707 7 Avenue NE
Medicine Hat, AB, T1C 1P5 (393km)
Lions Learning Centre; 9625 Prairie Road
Grande Prairie, AB, T8V 6G5 (399km)
Lions Learning Centre; 9625 Prairie Road
Grande Prairie, AB, T8V 6G5 (399km)
Lions Learning Centre; 9625 Prairie Road
Grande Prairie, AB, T8V 6G5 (399km)