Dickinsfield Amity House
Telephone: 780-478-5022Telephone: info@amityhouse.ca
TODAY Family Violence Help Centre, The
Telephone: 780-455-6880Telephone: 780-482-HELP (4357) (After hours - Distress Line)
Elizabeth Fry Society of Northern Alberta, The
1-866-421-1175 Telephone: 780-421-1175
Edmonton Transit Service
Telephone: 780-442-4900Text: 780-442-4900
REACH Edmonton Council for Safe Communities
Telephone: 2-1-1 press 3 (24 hours)http://crisisdiversionedmonton.ca
Fyrefly Institute for Gender and Sexual Diversity
https://www.ualberta.ca/fyrefly-instituteAlberta Health Services - North Zone
Telephone: 911 (Crisis)Telephone: 780-830-5700 (Non-Emergency Line)
Safe Harbour Society
Telephone: 403-406-2200https://www.safeharboursociety.org/outreach-diversion-team
Canadian Mental Health Association - Central Region
Telephone: 403-304-7662http://www.cmhareddeer.ca/
Alberta Health Services - North Zone
Telephone: 911 (Crisis)Telephone: 780-788-4040 (RCMP Dispatch)
Telephone: 780-788-4000 (24 hour RCMP dispatch)
Some Other Solutions Society for Crisis Prevention
Telephone: 780-743-8605https://www.someothersolutions.ca
Calgary Seniors' Resource Society
Telephone: 403-266-4357 (24 Hour Crisis Line)https://www.calgaryseniors.org/social-work
Distress Centre Calgary
Telephone: 403-266-HELP (4357)https://www.distresscentre.com/need-help/counselling/
Alberta Health Services - Calgary Zone
Telephone: 403-266-4357 (Distress Centre - request Mental Health Crisis Triage)Alberta Health Services - Calgary Zone
Telephone: 403-266-4357 (Distress Centre - request Mental Health Crisis Triage)Canadian Mental Health Association - Alberta South Region
Telephone: 403-892-3707https://lethbridge.cmha.ca