Edmonton Epilepsy Association
1-866-374-5377 (EPILEPSY)Telephone: 780-488-9600
McMan Youth, Family and Community Services Association of Edmonton and North Region
Telephone: 780-482-4010http://www.mcman.ca/
Canadian Mental Health Association - Edmonton Region
Telephone: 780-426-7861http://www.prosperplace.org
Camrose Visually Impaired Persons Club
Telephone: 780-679-7980 (Randy Simmet)Telephone: 780-608-9351 (Joyce McVee)
Blue Heron Support Services Association
Telephone: 780-674-4944 (Office)Telephone: 780-674-7921 (Service Co-ordinator Cell)
Telephone: 780-305-3601 (Service Co-ordinator Cell)
Blue Heron Support Services Association
Telephone: 780-849-2323 (Office)Telephone: 780-805-2649 (Cell)
Centre for Autism Services Alberta
1-844-488-6600 Telephone: 825-210-9284
Calgary Society of Community Opportunities, The
Telephone: 403-253-3454http://www.cscocalgary.com/cscosocialskillsprogram.html
Canadian Council of the Blind, Alberta Division
http://www.ccbnational.netKids Cancer Care Foundation of Alberta
1-888-554-2267 Telephone: 403-216-9210
Autism Aspergers Friendship Society of Calgary, The
Telephone: 587-439-3445 (Program Coordinator)Telephone: 403-246-7383
Autism Aspergers Friendship Society of Calgary, The
Telephone: 587-438-7612http://www.aafscalgary.com
Autism Aspergers Friendship Society of Calgary, The
Telephone: 403-246-7383http://www.aafscalgary.com
Autism Aspergers Friendship Society of Calgary, The
Telephone: 587-438-7612 (Program Coordinator)Telephone: 403-246-7383 (Main Office)
Autism Aspergers Friendship Society of Calgary, The
Telephone: 587-438-7612 (Program Coordinator)Telephone: 403-246-7383 (Main Office)
Autism Aspergers Friendship Society of Calgary, The
Telephone: 403-246-7383http://www.aafscalgary.com/
Blue Heron Support Services Association
Telephone: 780-674-4944 (Admissions)Telephone: 780-791-3342 (Fort McMurray Office)
Autism Society of the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo
Telephone: 587-452-9334https://autismrmwb.org
Blue Heron Support Services Association
Telephone: 780-933-4972 (Service Co-ordinator Cell)Telephone: 780-933-1147 (Service Co-ordinator Cell)
McMan Youth, Family and Community Services Association of Edmonton and North Region
Telephone: 780-539-4987https://www.mcman.ca/
Southern Alberta Individualized Planning Association
Telephone: 403-320-1515https://www.saipa.org/srsan/portal
CNIB Foundation Alberta and Northwest Territories
1-800-563-2642 Telephone: 403-266-8831 (Calgary Office)
Telephone: 780-488-4871 (Edmonton Office)