CASA Classrooms

CASA Mental Health

Offers mental health care in local classrooms to address the need for services closer to students.

Service offers:

  • mental health care in local classrooms to address the need for services closer to students
  • individual and group therapy, psychiatric care, and medication while the child receives regular school programming
  • a co-ordinated approach by a mental health team and a classroom teacher to bridge a child's mental health and school needs

Caregivers will receive mental health education, connections to community supports, and resources to better support their child / youth. Students will remain in the program for approximately half the school year.

Affiliation: Government of Alberta, school divisions, various community partners
Yes, Service targeted to:
  • students in grades 4 through 12
  • with a mental health diagnosis
  • who attend a school within CASA Classroom’s geographical school area
Eligible students:
  • have not responded as expected to previous therapy and continue to have symptoms that impact their home, social, and school life
  • are currently under the care of a physician, nurse practitioner, or psychiatrist
  • and are willing to participate in individual and group therapy with their family
Application Process
Service Access: Professional Referral Required, To access service:
  • children and youth must be referred by their school

Referral Process: No

Waiting Period: Yes,

There may be a waiting period.

Web Site
Fee: No

Fee Reduction: No

Membership Fee: No

Wheelchair access: N/A -
Other disabled access: N/A -
Agency Information
View Agency Profile
Last Verified On
February 16, 2023
Hours of Operation

 Program hours vary.