- Description
To address the needs of children 0 to 6 years of age in the community by working with families to develop the skills and confidence needed to succeed within the education system and society. Committed to a collaborative effort between community services, agencies, and families.
- Programs / Services
- Sites
- Fort McMurray 262 Gregoire Drive
262 Gregoire Drive, Fort McMurray
- Fort McMurray 262 Gregoire Drive
- Legal Status
- Registered Not-For-Profit, Registered Charity / Foundation
- admin@thechildrencentre.ca
- Telephone
- 780-743-3309
- Fax
- 587-276-6506
- Executive Director
- Karen Barker
- Physical Address
- Gregoire Plaza; 262 Gregoire Drive
Fort McMurray, AB, T9H 4K6
Canada - Mailing Address
- 262 Gregoire Drive
Fort McMurray, Alberta, T9H 4K6 - Hours of Operation